2020 Covid 19 and hand held ultrasound needs

Depot ServicesI am seeing a lot of companies promoting their hand held ultrasound units for sale for the purpose of performing lung scans for patients showing symptoms of covid 19. While the concept is understandable, what they are not telling you is…..nearly every ultrasound unit inside the walls of your facility already can perform a lung scan. With the reduced patient schedule in other care areas, would it not make sense to see if an under used asset already on campus could perform these scans? My answer is yes, and I am in the business of selling ultrasound equipment. All of this promotion of hand held ultrasound is really nothing more that greedy large ultrasound manufactures attempting to boost their profits based on a global pandemic and it saddens me to see. Of course, this is just my opinion on the matter. If you question whether or not your under utilized asset at your facility will perform this procedure, please do reach out to me and I will honestly tell you if we can validate it for you.